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Anti-microbial activity test for TiO2-coated cotton (Apatite 0.5%) Tested Microorganism: S. aureus ATCC 6538



  1. uncoated cotton (4.8 0.1 cm. Diameter)
  2. 5% apatite titanium cotton (4.8 0.1 cm. Diameter)

Method (has been modified from JIS Z 2801)

  1. Tested cottons were sterilized by autoclave
  2. S. aureus ATCC 6538 were incubated in TSB medium at 37 C for 24 hr.
  3. From S. aureus ATCC 6538 were diluted and prepared to be as Mcfaland Standard no. 0.5 which contain number of colony equaled to 3 108 CFU/ml.
  4. S. aureus ATCC 6538 were diluted to be 1 : 1000 (10-3) in normal saline 0.85 % and final volume is 10 ml in each agar plate. The final concentration of tested colony is 105 CFU/ml.
  5. All cottons were then incubated on agar plate at 3 pieces/ plate and exposed to UV black light and visible light at 7, 24 hr.
    • 0 hr ; Control - 0 hr ; +TiO2
    • 7 hr ; UV Control - 7 hr ; UV +TiO2
    • 7 hr ; VIS Control - 7 hr ; VIS +TiO2
    • 24 hr ; UV Control - 24 hr ; UV +TiO2
    • 24 hr ; VIS Control - 24 hr ; VIS +TiO2
  6. At specified time, all colonies that were left over in each plate were spread on another TSA plate and further incubated at 37 C for 24 hr.
  7. Colony count was determined and % reduction was calculated.
Colony count (CFU/ml)103
black light exposure time (hr.)Colony count (CFU/ml)
UV (black light)Visible light
Uncoated cottonTiO2 coated cotton% ReductionUncoated cottonTiO2 coated cotton% Reduction

ブラックライトを24時間照射で100%、可視光ライトを24時間照射で91.67%の黄色ブドウ球菌がなくなりました。 それに基づき、財団法人日本紡績検査協会において大腸菌の検査を不織布を用いて行いました。

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